
1938 年,哈佛大學開始了一個名為「Grant Study」的大型研究計畫,經歷 75 年後,他們持續追蹤 268 位哈佛畢業生,觀察他們的人生際遇,試圖去找出人的行為與他們的健康、成就、壽命等之間的關係。
這個研究在 1980 年由 George Vaillant 教授接手,經歷 30 年後,Vaillant 教授決定把 Grant Study 的種種發現,寫成「Triumphs of Experience」一書,與世人分享。
本篇透過Business Insider 的搶先書摘將書裡面關於「幸福人生」的分析結果分享給各位:
  • 酗酒是被實驗所追蹤男人們與老婆離婚最重要的因子
Alcoholism was the main cause of divorce between the Grant Study men and their wives."
  • 酗酒與神經官能症、憂鬱症高度正相關
it was strongly correlated with neurosis and depression

  • 酗酒加上煙癮是早期疾病與死亡的重要因子
it was the single greatest contributor to their early morbidity and death.

  • IQ 110-115 的人與 150 以上的人所賺取的最高所得並沒有差異
There was no significant difference in maximum income earned by men with IQs in the 110–115 range and men with IQs higher than 150.

  • 政治傾向與人生滿足感沒有任何關係
Political ideology had no bearing on life satisfaction

  • 童年時與母親關係「溫暖」的人,平均每年比冷漠家庭長大的人多賺 260 萬台幣
Men who had “warm” childhood relationships with their mothers earned an average of $87,000 more a year than men whose mothers were uncaring.

  • 童年與母親關係不好的人,年老後比較容易痴呆
Men who had poor childhood relationships with their mothers were much more likely to develop dementia when old.

  • 職涯的後半段,童年與母親關係良好的人相對表現比較良好,但與父親的關係沒有影響
Late in their professional lives, the men’s boyhood relationships with their mothers—but not with their fathers—were associated with effectiveness at work.

  • 童年時與父親的關係,會讓成年後的人較不易憂慮,較享受假期,並且在 75 歲時有較高的「人生滿足感」,而這又與媽媽的關係沒有影響
換句話說,哈佛大學花了 75 年的時間研投入2000萬美元經費的研究發現幸福人生的祕密,就是簡單5個字 『幸福就是「愛」』“The seventy-five years and twenty million dollars expended on the Grant Study points … to a straightforward five-word conclusion: ‘Happiness is love. Full stop.’ ”
